KBD Office Tour
I can't believe KBD has had an office for almost one year and I still haven't revealed it yet! It has been crazy ever since getting this office my work load has grown so much, I am not sure if it was because the office or just because I was more experienced and able to take on more clients. I have always put my clients work first so completing the office always took the backseat and thats why it has taken so long. Also waiting on new windows and furniture to arrive and using the office as storage space for clients projects are just some of my other excuses for why it has taken almost a year to share with you all. So I thought it was finally time to take some photos and show you how I transformed this small space into my first ever office!
It all started when I was working and living out of an one bedroom 400sqft apartment downtown Toronto... it was getting a little too cramped with all my work. I felt like there was no separation between work and home, it was getting harder and harder to focus when I stayed home... staying up way too late working and getting distracted with house chores during the day. So I started looking at spaces to rent in the city, I viewed a few places but they were either really scary and run-down or they had some other downfall like no parking... Then I stumbled upon a office space which is just west of the Toronto downtown core in a well kept historical building that used to be an old bell telephone company! The big bonus about this space is the large windows letting in so much natural sunlight, the large parking lot for myself and clients and also the fact that they are a lot of other professionals in the building. So after sitting down and doing some thinking and number crunching I thought this is what I have to do to grow this business and here I am a year later wondering if I need to try to find bigger office as KBD is growing! I always say take the risk and it will almost always work out...
So without anymore delays here are the before and afters of the office. The before's weren't horrible but it was just boring and didn't seem like a space where I would want to work everyday. It had old chunky big desks and chairs that were too big for the space that took up a lot of the square footage. I asked the landlord to have the furniture removed so I could buy my own pieces to create my own space.

The day I moved in the furniture was removed and I had a blank slate with a completely empty room...




Watch the progression of the office transformation here:
Hope you enjoyed the office tour, can't wait to see where KBD will be in a year as this small business just keeps growing!